Vega — Abhijit, Eponymous To The Direction North of the Noon Time

Rupa Bhaty
6 min readSep 24, 2019


How Abhijit, famed for North Celestial Pole star, became eponymous to the direction North and when this could have happened?

Abhijit — Vega

Abhijit, specifically also known as Brahmarāśi, is mentioned in Parāśara Tantra. Parāśara Tantra is a Sanskrit Astronomical text. This text was revisited and is translated by Shri RN Iyengar in his book on translation of “Parāśara Tantra” with brief commentaries provided by himself. Brahmarāśi is only mentioned in this text apart from Rāmāyaṇa and Mahābhārata. In the aforesaid text it has been placed in the true north by Shri RN Iyengar ji.

Usually we know that everyday the eighth Muhūrta of the day (about midday) is Abhijit muhūrta. Apart from Rāmāyaṇa, Mahābhārata and few astronomy texts Brahmarāśi is also found to be called as one of the names of Makara* rāśi ( I still need to cite the source of this information). Still it should be noted that the star Vega lies at the beginning of Capricorn, therefore Brahmarāśi can qualifies to be the name of star Vega — Abhijit also, whose deity is Brahma. All the nakṣatras are assigned with a deity to them and this is mentioned in Vedāṅga Jyotiṣa.


There is a maxim that Abhijit muhūrta is capable of removing all the doṣās/shorcomings. It is considered as one of the auspicious time duration to do or start any kind of good works. Abhijit muhūrta can be selected for any kind of activity without going for a separate muhūrta aspirations, being the most fortunate time of the day. We will discuss how and why this muhūrta should be auspicious, i.e, without any flaw.

Indian Noon Time is different from western 12 noon as per division of time prescribed for each day. We instantaneously call it Abhijit muhūrta, one of the most auspicious time duration in a day. Our Noon Time is very specific, comes from the dividing of the day’s time in, 30 muhūrta. As per diurnal sun’s movement on ecliptic with its change of declination from time to time, the time duration of Abhijit muhūrta during noon time varies through out the year. From the above pics, ( i.e., pictures of gnomon with my feet selfie) one understands that exactly on 1243 hrs the shadow points exact north. The shadow above points exact due north and will move on straight line, since it is on the autumnal equinox day, the same shadow will be due south and will move on straight line on spring equinox day. From the below data we find that during autumnal equinox Abhijit muhūrta ends exactly at 1243 Hrs. The day light shifts by approximately 10 min and on spring equinox true north is achieved little late , i.e., at 1253 hrs. This shows how precise Indians had been in determining true north via a muhūrta, i.e., from a time segment from a day.

The philosophy behind auspiciousness — once the true north is known, one can find correct direction to move which would lead him/her to their proper destination. It appears to me that the philosophy of true North at the end of the Abhijit muhūrta is to gives ample time to prepare ourselves, , etc.

Abhijit Muhūrat Time

On Autumnal Equinox -11:55 to 12:43, and on Spring Equinox-12:04 PM to 12:53 PM for Tropic of cancer and Longitude 70.1337° E (eg)

In todays time we have lost connection with nature, surrounding environment and Sun to the extent that we forgot the value and need of Abhijit muhūrta. Many of us understand it as an esoteric good muhūrta to do or commence any auspicious work, but the muhūrta served as a compass in the past to the lost human standing alone in the forest or a place, when there were no compass or watch to observe north, until overhead Sun arrived , to find his/her own little shadow for the true north direction.

Now, why Abhijit and not any other nakṣatra? Because once Abhijit — Brahmarāśi — Vega, served as a brilliant shining North pole star in the north showing North direction in the night time. For its popularity, which lingered for a long time, eventually North got the name Abhijit and so the name of the muhūrta which shows North direction via shadow when sun is almost overhead. Thus, Abhijit is a preserved eponym for the direction North from the times of its being a pole star.

The above is a gist from my earlier write-up in one of my blogs.

Today, I will discuss just a small but a decisive fact from Rāmāyaṇa where Abhijit has been mentioned.

अथ पवनसमानविक्रमाः

प्लवगवराः प्रतिलब्धपौरुषाः।

अभिजिदभिमुखा दिशं ययु


atha pavanasamānavikramāḥ
plavagavarāḥ pratilabdhapauruṣāḥ।
abhijidabhimukhā diśaṃ yayu

अथ now, पवनसमानविक्रमाः as strong as the wind, प्रतिलब्धपौरुषाः regained courage, प्लवगवराः best of the monkeys, अभिजिदभिमुखाः facing Abhijit, जनकसुतापरिमार्गणोन्मुखाः eager to find the daughter of Janaka, दिशम् direction, ययुः went.

The monkeys as strong as the wind regained courage and went in search of the daughter of Janaka in the direction of Abhijit (constellation known as Abhijit is associated with success). — Gita supersite — Kiṣkindhā: 63.15 ( translation, as it is)

In the above translation, ‘facing the direction’ of Abhijit can only mean a constellation because Muhūrta cannot be faced.

Some translators/bhāśyakāras/ ṭikākāras take Abhijit as a muhūrta**. And I showed what happens with the shadow of gnomon during Abhijit muhūrta of Autumn above. But to start for a journey during the early hours of sunrise one can easily cite Abhijit — Vega due north and then after facing the star the vanaras could have started their journey towards the south.

सम्पातेर्वचनं श्रुत्वा हरयो रावणक्षयम्। हृष्टास्सागरमाजग्मुस्सीतादर्शनकाङ्क्षिणः।।4.64.2।।

हरयः monkeys, सम्पातेः Sampati’s, वचनम् words, श्रुत्वा on hearing, हृष्टाः glad, सीतादर्शनकाङ्क्षिणः desiring to see Sita, रावणक्षयम् the abode of Ravana, सागरम् ocean, आजग्मुः reached.

On hearing the words of Sampati, the monkeys felt glad and, eager to see Sita, reached the ocean, the passage to the abode of Ravana.Kiṣkindhā: 64.2

The next sarga and its first verse, after the last sarga’s last verse, where Abhijit is mentioned, shows that they went till shores and were heading towards Lankā. Thus, they were not going towards north.

True North and South noted by Valmiki

दक्षिणस्य समुद्रस्य समासाद्योत्तरां दिशम्। सन्निवेशं ततश्चक्रुर्हरिवीरा महाबलाः।।4.64.4।।

महाबलाः powerful, हरिवीराः heroic monkeys, समुद्रस्य ocean’s, उत्तरां दिशम् northernside, समासाद्य having reached, ततः then, सन्निवेशम् collected at that, चक्रुः held.

Powerful and heroic monkeys assembled at the northern end of the southern ocean.

What is the takeaway of this brief discussion?

What is interesting to note is that if Abhijit is taken as a muhūrta then also it serves the purpose or if taken as a constellation then also serves the purpose, but in both the cases it is a NORTH POLE STAR. And when did Abhijit — Vega was a pole star? 11000 BCE till 14000 BCE; where 12000 BCE to 13000 BCE is the best fit.

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Originally published at on September 24, 2019.


  • *Vega is the principal star of Constellation Lyra. The harp is found between 10º — 29º Capricorn. Capricorn is known as Makararāśī in Suryasiddhānta.
  • **In the Brāhmaṇas, muhūrta denotes a division of time: 1/30 of a day, or a period of 48 minutes.



Rupa Bhaty
Rupa Bhaty

Written by Rupa Bhaty

Architect and Adjunct Assistant Professor at School of Indic studies, Institute of Advanced Sciences, MA, USA

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