Vadvānala — Baḍavāgni
Submarine volcanoes, fissures — Submarine fire? Note to self…
In the quest of whether Lanka on Prime meridian was real or hypothetical, I bring about two thoughts
- Evidence of Sumeru in the North (Northern hemisphere )and Submarine volcanoes in South ( Southern Hemisphere) on the Prime Meridian Aryabhata— लङ्का कुमध्ये यमकोटिरस्याः प्राक् पश्चिमे रोमकपत्तनञ्च । अधस्ततः सिद्धपुरं सुमेरुः सौम्येऽथ याम्ये वडवानलश्च ।
- Lanka at 0–0º from Goladeepika comes with greater details of its position on chain of Malaya atolls as Islets ( I am still trying to fetch details as given by Shri Dr. M.L Raja in his talk at Sattology).
I had a little conversation, on what could have सौम्ये, याम्ये here in the astronomy text meant with, on SM . The general answers came as North and South direction. But then there has to be a positon from which north and south has to be assumed. And that benchmark is Equator. From Equator towards north is Sumeru and towards south is Vadvānala. सौम्ये, याम्ये appears clearly to be “lat ºN or ºS” notation of today’s time since ahorātravṛtta was known on both the sides of Equator. See the pic below.
Lanka is given at 0–0º in Goladeepika which comes with greater details of its position on the chain of Malaya atolls or Islets. The details appear to be realistic instead of a hypothetical place, or else such description, like at the top of Hill Malaya in Malaya Islet of Kumar Island is not at all required.
For Sumeru one can refer to the pic below. The Ice sheet were thick and Himalayan region was taller than today’s time. If Sumeru refers to the ice sheets of Polar region, then also the timeframe can be understood.
What is Vadvānala and where is it located? One can read the footnotes. For location of one Vadvānala, on the same ancient Indian Prime Meridian, from where Ujjain and Kurukshetra passed, refer to the pic below.
Isn’t that amazing that our sages explored the Agni within the ocean and even named it. This information display great scholarships of our ancient sages and people, and these could have only come to us due to their friendliness with ocean and navigation. No wonder we had great port cities like that of Khambat, ports of Pumpoohar and great walls of Konkan, now submerged, which dates from before 8000 BCE, and goes more back into deep antiquity.
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1 A mare.
2 The nymph Aśvinī who in the form of a mare bore to the sun two sons, the Aśvins; see संज्ञा.
3 A female slave.
4 A harlot, prostitute.
5 A woman of the Brāhmaṇa caste ( द्विजयोषित्).
— अग्निः, अनलः the submarine fire.
— मुखः
1 the submarine fire.
2 N. of Śiva. [ID=24901]
वडवानल पुं।
सप्तार्चिर्दमुनाः शुक्रश्चित्रभानुर्विभावसुः। शुचिरप्पित्तमौर्वस्तु वाडवो वडवानलः॥
पदार्थ-विभागः : , दहनम्