If the art ; Perception by Dario Veruari Explains Astronomy…
Happy Navarātrī
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विषूवान् दिवाकीर्त्यम् । यथा शालायै पक्षसी । एवम्̐ संवत्सरस्य पक्षसी ।
“The two equinoxes are full of glory. They are similar to the outer wall of a house or the two fortnights of the year.”, Anuvāk 1–2–3–1 (section 6) Taittiriya Brāhmaṇa
घर्मवृद्धिरपां प्रस्थः क्षपाह्रास उदग्गतौ।
दक्षिणैतो विपर्यासः षणमुहुर्त्यनेन तु॥ ७/८॥ Vedang jyotisha-Rik and Yajur
घर्मवृद्धि: Increase in sweat ; क्षपा night ह्रास decrease ….उदग्गतौ moves up (what~ Sun moves up, where; in the northern hemisphere, now we will have cooler seasons and southern hemisphere will have hotter seasons due to dakṣiṇeti conditions, i.e., Sun in southern hemisphere)
यथा — “ विषुवाभ्यां वत्सरः स्यादिति शब्दविदां मतम् । महाविषुवमाख्यातं कृतिभिश्चैत्रचिह्नितम् । तथा स्याज्जलविषुवं क्रमादाश्विनचिह्नितम् ॥ “ इति शब्दरत्नावली ॥
After autumnal equinox, now, we will have cooler seasons and southern hemisphere will have hotter seasons.
The first nine days used to be observation for the day’s lengths vs night lengths, after any of the equinoxes, to see which asterism is rising in the east and thus we have the tradition of observing them as festivals in our cultures. Other than these two Navarātrīs we celebrate mahāśivarātri and thats the winter solstice day with greatest nighht length.
There are interesting ethnographic and cultural memory to celebrations of such astronomical events. One can enrich by reading below mentioned two articles.