Al Suha — Alcor, the northern star , Al Suhail —Canopus, the southern star and Sahul Geography— Are they just some coincidences in linguistic semblance ?
The birth of Agastya and Vasistha of Rg veda — When? Note to self
Figure 1 — uploaded by John Krigbaum
The Shelf Sahul
The word Sahul is used for the whole chunk of lands which were visible during the last glacial maximum and many of the independent countries were well connected. For the etymology of the word Sahul the debate is still on( read here ). Overall my speculation after reading the Scientific American is that the Dutch found this name from the aboriginals of Australia during 17th century and thus they used the name in their map to locate the area according to the native narratives.
The word Surava
In Mahabharata the instance comes as; Agastya ate Vātāpi in the form of meat offered by Ilvala who disguised his brother in a form of goat, this story is revealed by Rishi Lomasha. There then, after Vātāpī’s death Agastya begs wealth of Ilvala and Ilvala halfheartedly gives away the golden car he possessed. The car was yoked with two best steeds Virava and Surava.
The Arabic word Al Suhail
It indicates towards two stars of Vela constellation λ Velorum, Al Suhail al Wazn γ Velorum, Al Suhail al Muhlif, this surely tells about the juncture where use of Velorum stars seize against the lustrous Agastya-Canopus use for navigation. Suhail is an Arabic name that means “lenient”, “without trouble”, “easy to interact with”. It is also the name of a star known as Canopus. Canopus is known as Agastya as mentioned above. In my opinion Suhail is derived from Arabic سَهُلَ (sahula) meaning “level, even” (read here). Latest entry for the word Suhail is “King of the Kings”is as the Islamic and muslim name ( read here). Of course Canopus is the King of the Kings among the constellations of southern hemisphere.
Al Suhā — Alcor — Arundhati
Alcor was originally Arabic سها Suhā/Sohā, meaning either the ‘forgotten’ or ‘neglected’ one. I have discussed it in Arndhati darshana nyaya video at Sattology.
Sahil (urdu-arabic)— Guide; River bank; Shore
Strange connection — Sahul(Australia) — Surava ( celestial Vela star)— Sahula /Suhail ( Star Canopus) — Sahaja/Suhā ( star Alcor/Arundhati).
Now we have another set of information — Mysterious Birth of Agastya And Vasishtha together.